"What might be most fascinating about this agglomeration of audio tracks is the swift and remarkable evolution from the twee sounds of pre-Elvis American music to the present; there's rockabilly, the British invasion, Sinatra's svelte croon, Motown. Remember Bobby Darin? Me neither, but there he is. Then the '70s and Funky Town, punk rock, disco, stadium anthems. Listening through the whole 75 minutes could leave you nostalgic, amazed, perhaps shocked or, dare we say, gaga."
Read the article on Salon.com here. Listen to the mixes on Soundcloud here. Pop Music compilations on vinyl. Pop Music compilations on CD.
by Reinhard Kleist
John Prine introduces "Ballad of a Teenage Queen" by recollecting the first time he heard it: it was the summer of '57 or so and he was in his cousin's barn in Indiana. Fast-forward almost fifty years and you might hear a story like, "I didn't really know who Johnny Cash until he did that Nine Inch Nails song."
From pioneering that train-a-comin rhythm to his later work with Rick Rubin, Cash was equally adept in country, gospel, blues, folk, rockabilly, and rock and roll. He is truly a bridge between America's root music and today's younger generations (thanks, in part, to movies like "Walk the Line"). With covers of original Cash songs, folk tunes of which he recorded popular versions, a few tracks from his fellow country outlaws, and, of course, NIN's "Hurt," this playlist is a hodgepodge of great American music. The Man in Black is deservedly a true icon.
You can register & listen to the mix for free on Wolfgang's Vault here.
Johnny Cash on CD.
Johnny Cash on Vinyl.
"Our old pal, minor internet celebrity, only Mongolian in London and the laziest blogger ever, Tuvshin Bolor, is doing some DJing next week. He put together this appallingly badly mixed but ultimately very enjoyable mix of neo-soul called Tears Of A Thug to celebrate that. He’s written ‘dubstep mix’ on it to be funny, there’s none of that stoops nonsense on here."
Listen to the mix and check the (always intresting) Platform here. Sweet Soul music on CD. Sweet Soul music on Vinyl.
Rita Ray
"Sean Paul, Missy Elliot and Habib Koite all use a deceptively simple but hypnotic beat from the heart of Africa in some of their biggest hits. But what is it? Music journalist Rita Ray journeys to Ghana to find out."
Read the article & listen to the radio show on BBC World Service, here.
Wajaba : The Musical Merlin
"Long before MTV, performers expressed the visual dimension of their art through their album covers. Every music fan has his/her favorites, but several covers stand out for their brilliance, their impact and their ability to make as much of a statement as the music they represent. Every art form has its giants, and album cover art is no exception. The work of the designers featured here spans over 40 years of music.
THE SIXTIES: Before the 1960s, most albums featured portraits of musicians, instruments or musicians playing instruments. But the 1960's spirit of exploration and experimentation found its way into music and, consequently, onto album covers."
Read the article & view the covers on the Wajaba blog, here.
"When it comes to summarizing the enormity of Nirvana’s sophomore effort, nobody put it better than Guy Picciotto; the Fugazi singer famously noted of Nevermind’s September 1991 release that “our record [Steady Diet of Nothing, released three months earlier] could have been a hobo pissing in the forest for the amount of impact it had…It felt like we were playing ukuleles all of a sudden because of the disparity of the impact of what [Nirvana] did.” Picciotto’s quote, from Michael Azerrad’s 2001 book Our Band Could Be Your Life, surely speaks for a litany of underground rock acts who were at or just below Nirvana’s level pre-Nevermind. Granted, countless bands benefitted from Nirvana’s explosive success (Mudhoney, Hole, etc), but even more were left in the dust wondering what the hell happened. If a representative of a staunchly independent and decidedly non-fame-seeking outfit such as Fugazi considered himself rocked by theNevermind atom bomb, imagine how someone like Paul Westerberg must have felt."
"Ο Brian Tristan είναι ζωντανή ιστορία της μουσικής (μας). Στα 15 του ήταν πρόεδρος του fan club των Ramones, στα 18 μάθαινε κιθάρα από τον Jeffry Lee Pierce, στα 20 ο νονός Lux Intrerior τον βάφτιζε "Kid Congo Powers" (έμπνευσή του κάτι κεριά voodoo από το Congo) και αυτός πλατσούριζε στην κολυμπήθρα των Cramps. Θα ξαναγύριζε στους Gun Club λίγα χρόνια αργότερα, θα πέρναγε τρία χρόνια και δύο άλμπουμ στους Bad Seeds, θα ζούσε τη μουσική σκηνή του L.A., της Νεα Υόρκης, του Λονδίνου ,του Βερολίνου κ.α., θα συνεργαζόταν με Sally Norvell, Jack Martin, Julee Cruise, Khan, Die Haut, Barry Adamson, Mark Eitzel, Michael Gira και ο κατάλογος συνεχίζεται.
Εδώ και χρόνια κατέβηκε από τα οχήματα των άλλων και έβαλε το κλειδί στο δικό του, τους Pink Monkey Birds. Ζει στην Ουάσινγκτον, οι μέρες της Νέας Υόρκης είναι παρελθόν όπως και τα drugs και οι κακές παρέες... ε όχι και όλες οι κακές παρέες... Στους Burn Baby Burn ο πενηντ-άχρονος Kid συναντιέται με μια παρέα που χρονολογείται από τις μέρες του Βερολίνου, τους Alexander Hacke, Danielle De Picciotto και Chris Hughes αλλά και κάποιους άλλους γνώριμους από τις αρχές των ΄00 και τη Νέα Υόρκη, την Julee Cruise και τον Khan (βλέπε Kid & Khan). Η περιοδεία ξεκινάει από τη Θεσσαλονίκη και Αθήνα (4 και 5 Μαρτίου αντίστοιχα) για να καταλήξει στο Βερολίνο. Βρήκαμε την ευκαιρία να του απευθύνουμε μια εντεκάδα ερωτήσεων και εισπράξαμε ισάριθμες απαντήσεις."
Διαβάστε τη συνέντευξη στο www.Mic.gr, εδώ.
Listen to her at www.Audioboo.fm, here.
Janis Joplin on Vinyl.
Janis Joplin on CD.
"Any jerk with a guitar can write an epic song, from the Velvet Underground to Bright Eyes, Sigur Rós to Kanye West. In fact, some of those folks aren’t even jerks! But there’s something special about the Epic Track One Side One. It’s the song that kicks off an album with such tenacity that there’s no hope for recovery afterward. The song that no other song on the album wants to follow, but has to anyway. The song that is very often very long, but regardless of length, is a monster of sound. Below are 14 of the very best of this song’s ilk. Why 14? We’re not sure. But we are sure you shouldn’t try to listen to all of these in one sitting."
Read the article & listen to the tracks at www.paste.com, here.
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