Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Good times at Flea Market @ Work (Holargos 4/5 Feb. 2012)

Well, markets are usually fun but this time we overdid it a bit!
Thanks to the Valmis bros. that made it happen, the staff & crowd of 
Work-Ergotaxion cafe that made it special and our partners in crime that
are listed below:

White Trash in a good Way. Viva Vinyl!

Super Mario is Working On It! 

You would not believe how much facial hair hardcore kids carry these days!

(Mike Ness lookalikes not included)

Second Hand Bliss & Eliza Kordosi - Killer Combination.

Eleni D. is a modest girl.

Circulo. Oh, such fun we had.

Second Hand Bliss.

More Bliss.

Punks do not need a full set of keys.

Spinning some Bone Voyage tunes.

Work panorama.


Untill next time...stay tuned!

Special thanks to 
 for the 
beautiful photos.
The ugly ones
 are mine.